
The Best Damn Gaming Coins Ever...TWO!

Created by Artana LLC

We're heading to Asia! 7 NEW themes including Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Persian & Mongol bring our offering to 20 AMAZING themes!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fulfillment Progress Report
almost 9 years ago – Sun, Jun 05, 2016 at 11:31:46 PM

Hi everyone!  Here's a very quick update just to keep you all posted on fulfillment progress. 

Orders have been shipping out to backers for the past couple of weeks and everything is coming along well.  ShipNaked has fulfilled 287 orders to date and has 331 left to go. There was a little ramp up in the beginning though and they are now running at full speed so we're about half-way through the process.  They told us they estimate all backer orders should be shipped out within the next couple of weeks barring any surprises.

Some things to note.  As you know, we're fulfilling all backer rewards first.  This means that if you placed a preorder after the campaign closed, your reward will ship right after we finish all backer orders.  A few of you have asked and this explains why you may not have received a shipping confirmation yet.  Also, shipments are being sent out in waves even among backers so some of you are receiving confirmations at different times and may still be waiting.  Not to worry!  Everything is moving along smoothly and according to plan.

Finally, we've noted before, but will mention again that this was an extraordinary complicated campaign to fulfill.  There are over 100 different SKUs and every single order is different.   To combat errors, we've implemented a system where each order is triple checked before it is shipped. Even so, there are going to be some mistakes.  People have only reported a few so far, but if there is a problem with your order when you receive it - do not worry!  We'll make it right.  Details on how to handle things with Ship Naked are listed at the end of this update.  You can also always send us an email or message as well.  The buck stops with us and we want to be sure you get what you ordered!

Thank you all for your patience and for your support.  

Team Artana


When you receive your package, if any pieces are missing or damaged, please visit

Artana has chosen to ship Customs-Friendly, so if you're in the US, Canada, the EU, the UK, Australia, or New Zealand and have any costs for receiving your package (postage, customs charges, etc), please visit and Ship Naked will reimburse you directly via PayPal.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ship Naked directly at or by calling us at 1-844-SHIP NAKED (toll-free in the US and Canada) or +01 (603) 792-0037

Our offices are open from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday Eastern Time. If we are unable to answer when you call, please leave a voicemail so we can follow up with you directly.

Shipping and Fulfillment Update
almost 9 years ago – Sat, May 21, 2016 at 12:29:17 AM

Happy Friday, lovely backers - we're here with good news to kick off your weekend!

Shipping Has Started!

The caption says it all. We've now received and sorted everything at the warehouse and the first packages started going out today. Everything is totally on schedule!  

That said, you all ordered a TON of coins! With so many different SKUs, it's going to take a while to pick, pack, and ship them all. Please bear with us. We don't have an exact estimate right now, but it's probably going to take a couple of weeks at least to get everything out to you. Our fulfillment partner, Ship Naked, has an entire line of people working on fulfilling your rewards though so we don't expect it to be too long. We know how tough it is waiting at the very end of a campaign for delivery. Hang in there and your rewards will be there soon!

Ship Naked has also provided some logistical details about their fulfillment process that they asked us to pass on to you. This information appears at the bottom of this update. Please do try generally to work within their processes, but the buck totally stops with us and if you're having any issues you should always feel free to reach out to us as well.

Thank you all, again, for your support.  We're going to keep posting regular updates and stay with you until every last coin sent!  

- Team Artana

Ship Naked Message Below:

"Greetings Best Damn Metal Gaming Coins Ever Two Backers!

We're happy to be shipping Best Damn Metal Gaming Coins Ever Two for Artana.

To help ensure accurate and swift fulfillment process, we will be sending out address order verification emails to the email you provided when you completed the survey through Backer Kit. Some of you may have received these already and others will receive them soon.  If your address and order details are correct, please do nothing. If your address and/or order contents are incorrect, please reply to that verification email with the changes that need to be made as soon as possible. If you did not receive a verification email, please check your spam folder. If it is not there, and you believe you have to update your address, please visit

We are beginning shipping this week, and will be providing updates to Artana each week until the campaign is completely fulfilled. You will receive a shipping notification when your package is picked up by the folks who will be delivering it to you. Shipment notifications will be sent to the email you provided when you completed the survey.

When you receive your package, if any pieces are missing or damaged, please visit

Artana has chosen to ship Customs-Friendly, so if you're in the US, Canada, the EU, the UK, Australia, or New Zealand and have any costs for receiving your package (postage, customs charges, etc), please visit and Ship Naked will reimburse you directly via PayPal.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ship Naked directly at or by calling us at 1-844-SHIP NAKED (toll-free in the US and Canada) or +01 (603) 792-0037

Our offices are open from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday Eastern Time. If we are unable to answer when you call, please leave a voicemail so we can follow up with you directly.

It's our pleasure to serve you.

- Ship Naked"

An Email Mixup and Some Good News
almost 9 years ago – Wed, May 11, 2016 at 11:27:25 PM

Greeting lovely backers!  We're entering the home stretch.  This is a quick impromptu update to clarify some potential email confusion and also keep you posted on the status of your coins.  We're planning on posting a much more detailed update in the near future about actual fulfillment specifics so stay tuned.

An Email Mixup!

Apologies to anyone who received an address verification email today from our shipping partner.  We sent them some address files exported from the pledge manager, but apparently there was an error with the export and some of the items ordered were not listed on the emails you received.  Not to worry!  This was just a bad export on our part and we are tracking down the issue to be sure it does not happen again.  We still have all of your data, items ordered, etc. in the pledge manager so once we get to the bottom of this we will export the correct data and then resend the verification emails.  We're incredibly sorry for any concern.  But again, we're totally on track and this was just a computer error.  It also isn't affecting fulfillment as we talk about below.

The Good News

We're delighted to report that the coins have now cleared customs and we have them in hand at the warehouse!  We're right on track for fulfillment so you should have them in hand very soon.  While we're wrangling the export Gremlins, there are all sorts of other things happening in parallel with everything being unpacked, inventoried, etc. to get ready to send to all of you.  Given the sheer volume of SKUs, this is going to take a little bit, but we expect to start shipping late next week or early the week after depending on how fast we can get everything out of the boxes and ready to pick and pack.  We'll be sending out a more detailed email with better specifics on the exact fulfillment schedule soon.  In the meantime, here's a little teaser of some coins in the warehouse.  

We're almost there everyone!  Thank you for your patience and for your support!

Team Artana

Boat Arriving Monday Plus A New Project
almost 9 years ago – Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 11:29:19 PM

Great news!  We have official word that the good ship Silvia carrying all of your Best Damn booty is scheduled to arrive in Boston on Monday, May 2nd.  The boat just passed NYC and is almost here!  We'll post another update with the fulfillment schedule soon once we get everything offloaded and to our warehouse.  We're totally on track though from what we can see so no worries on that front - your rewards are almost here!!!

In other news, we're delighted to announce that the first expansion to our hit game from last year, Tesla vs. Edison, just launched on Kickstarter yesterday with huge success. Tesla vs. Edison: Powering Up! did over 800% goal and $40k+ on day 1!  Feedback from play testing and development has been amazing, and the advance reviews have been incredibly positive. 

We'd like to ask for your help bringing this next project to life and invite you to come join the campaign!  Powering Up! expands the world of Tesla vs. Edison and is loaded with upgrades that amplify the epic War of Currents to new levels:

  • Build a Headquarters. Each inventor can develop their own custom Lab, Works, Office, and Studio which offer special abilities and bonus points. 
  • Experience Historical Events. 21 different cards bring to life the history of the War of Currents with thrilling opportunities and devastating calamities that make each turn unique. 
  • AIs for Solo or Group Play. Custom AI decks, each with TWO difficulty settings - an Ada Lovelace side and a Charles Babbage side - are included for all six Inventors in the expansion. Play solitaire against 1-5 AIs or add AIs for additional challenge in 2+ player games. 
  • Welcome a 6th Inventor, Madam C.J. Walker. Another option to choose, and enables you to play a 6-player game! 
  • Female Luminaries. Six other brilliant and pioneering women of the time serve as Luminaries and spice things up in the War of Currents. 
  • New propaganda cards. Six cards commemorating the U.S Presidents of the period. 
  • Broken Token Premium Organizer. A sweet birch wood insert that you can also pledge as an add-on option to organize everything in both the base game and the expansion. 

No pressure, of course, but we'd love for you to come check out our new project.  And, never fear - we're still entirely on top of getting you your coins next month as promised!  Best Damn goodness coming soon!

Thank you, as always, for your support! We wouldn't be here without you.

- Team Artana

Rewards on the Boat - Finalize Addresses Now!
almost 9 years ago – Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 09:35:50 PM

We’ve been holding off posting this latest update pending confirmation from our manufacturing partner in China. We’re now pleased to report that all 190+ cartons of your rewards have now been produced, are safely packaged, and are on a boat headed to us here in the United States. The good ship Silvia (for those of you who care about these details) is heading our way and scheduled to arrive in Boston on April 29th! Everything is on schedule and we’re excited to start getting these to you as planned in May! Here are few photos of the goodies leaving the factory.

One of the six pallets!
One of the six pallets!
Heading to the port!
Heading to the port!

Now that we’re entering this final stage, our fulfillment team is kicking into high gear. Boxes and envelopes are being prepped, picking bins organized, shipping labels created, etc.  As such, we’re going to lock all addresses in BackerKit later this week. If you have any last minute address changes, now is the time to make them! Once we’re locked, it will be very difficult for us to divert your shipment elsewhere so please do attend to this detail asap if necessary. If you’re happy with the address you provided when you completed your survey though then no action is necessary. And, for you last few stragglers, if you haven’t already completed your survey in BackerKit, this is your last chance to do so before we send out your rewards.

We’ll keep you posted with more news as fulfillment gets closer, but rest assured that we’re on top of things and we’re as excited as you are to get you your rewards. Home stretch!

Thank you, as always, for your support.

Team Artana